Parents, Everyone, Get involved!!

Upcoming Dates
8 May and 6 November 2025





Outdoor Classroom Day is all about celebrating outdoor learning and PLAY, but that doesn’t mean it is just for shools, oh no! Persil are proudly sponsoring Outdoor Classroom Day because we knopw that getting dirty is simply a mark of a life fully lived. We are supporting NGOs all across the world to lead campaigns inspiring schools to get outdoors, we want to help by getting parents around the world to sign up too! You have a mission…. Can you help??

Parents and everyone can help make outdoor play part of every day – magic moments, getting dirty, reliving childhood experiences, making sure children you know – yours, your grandchildren, friends children… – all have great times to play at school and out of it.

Last year, over 19,000 schools across more than 100 countries signed up to get more than 2 Million children outdoors — from the United Arab Emirates to the USA! This year we’d like to get many more children outdoors on Thursday 17 May 2018!

96% of parents agree that play enables children to become well-rounded adults… Yet many children have less than an hour a day to play…

 Schools where children have more freedom to play and more outdoor learning report less bullying, fewer accidents and students with a greater readiness to learn. Yet outdoor play and learning are not the cornerstone to education systems in most parts of the world. We want to change this.

Outdoor Classroom Day is a global campaign to celebrate and inspire play and learning outside the classroom. Can you help us to get more schools involved? It’s easy to get involved, you could:

  1. Circulate this poster to local schools or nurseries and ask your friends to do the same!
  2. Send this letter to your child’s teacher or head teacher and encourage them to sign up the whole school!
  3. Share the website on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram:

“Get involved in #OutdoorClassroomDay! Sign up to celebrate outdoor play & learning on Thursday 18 May:

And don’t forget to join in the conversation using #OutdoorClassroomDay!

Lastly you can make more time to get outdoors and dirty with children every day?

Let’s join together to get children around the world playing and learning outdoors on Thursday 17 May 2018 — and then every day after that!


Sign up!

Since schooling became compulsory for most children – somewhere between 1880 and 1950 depending on where in the world you live – going outdoors for playtime and lessons, and playing with friends on the way to and from school, have been a key parts of the school day and valued by teachers and parents alike. But over the last 40 years the time they have outdoors has shrunk… Now children around the world have less time outdoors than prisoners…

Thank you for supporting Outdoor Classroom Day!

Thanks for joining the movement we can’t wait to see what you get up to on the day! Please share this with your colleagues and friends to help us make it possible for every child to get outdoors to learn and play every day 🙂 Check out the resources tabs for ideas for the day – and to make learning and play part of every day!

Wohoo! Top marks for signing up!

Thanks for joining the movement we can’t wait to see what you get up to on the day! Please share this with your colleagues and friends to help us make it possible for every child to get outdoors to learn and play every day 🙂 Check out the resources tabs for ideas for the day – and to make learning and play part of every day!

Thank you for supporting Outdoor Classroom Day!

We’ll send you a newsletter shortly. Time to play is critical for every child – share your moments with us by tagging #OutdoorClassroomDay and make every day a day to learn and play outdoors!